Our Practice Vision
Inspired by our long commitment to excellence and service, we deliver more than just dentistry; we create an experience. As a result of our care for the community, our patients have a high appreciation for the excellence, honesty, integrity, knowledge, and skills we provide.
We create a unique experience the moment our patients come into the practice. We genuinely care for our patients, not only for their oral health, but for the medical health as well.
A History of Excellence
Dr. Castellanos completed three residency programs after dental school, including a general practice residency (GPR) training certificate. In his GPR residency, he was trained to treat medically compromised patients and understand patients’ medications in relation to their oral health. He also completed an implant certificate training program, as well as a three-year training program in prosthodontics to become a prosthodontist. With this level of experience, we are able to offer an array of general dentistry services, as well as prosthodontics, aesthetic dentistry, and implants.